Personal Projects,- ongoing.



Our inspiration from this is for future projects in Architecture Design.


Environmental Design: 


Architecture within Nature.

Organic Architecture, is a philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between human habitation and the natural world. This is achieved through design approaches that aim to be sympathetic and well-integrated with a site, so buildings, furnishings, and surroundings become part of a unified, interrelated composition. (Wikipedia).

Architecture within Nature combines architecture, design, and art in 'one'. All are interacting within the surrounding environment.



House on the Lake Tahoe

Idea-Project 2021 and 2022. First project for Architecture within Nature. We fit the house into the site as a digital computermodel.

House on the Lake Tahoe, USA. Personal project. Theme/inspiration: The house and interior should be peaceful and quiet in the surounding landscape. It should make the place better looking than without the house. Inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright and John Lautner.

House on the Lake Tahoe, USA. Personal project. Concept-layout for the groundfloor plan. Two dining and living rooms, two kitchens, three sleeping rooms with bath, two guestrooms, and a gallery hall.

  For the second design-variation we do the same house on a rock-shoreline.

  House on the Lake Tahoe. The second design-variation on a rock-shoreline.



House in the Sierra forest, California

Idea-Project 2022.
Sketch on the i Pad for a two story house in the Sierra forest. The details of the house are inspired by the forest.

  Small house in the Sierra forest, California.

  House in the Sierra forest, California. First 3D-sketch in environment. CAD-Rhino.


Riverside house

Idea-Project 2022.
Large house along a river in Australia. The house has a balcony on top the river.
Ideation-sketches. Large house along a river in Australia. Steelbridge over the river to hang the balcony on wires. Below illustration CAD-3D in the program Rhino.

The wing over the river is to hold the balcony with wires. Steelstructure with aluminium-panels. Inspiration is a wing from an airplane.

 Riverside, large house along a river in Australia. The steelwing over the river is to hold the balcony with wires.



House on a mountain-ridge

Idea-Project 2022.
Weekend-house with a fireplace and two views,-the house is on a ridge. The house has only two rooms. The rooms are each combined with a sleepingplace. In the open center from the house is the bathroom, the kitchen and the eating-place.

  House on a mountain-ridge. The house has a view on each side towards the valley below.

  House on a mountain-ridge. Fast design-sketch for a sense of 3D-space.




Light tower house on a seacliff

Idea-Project 2022. California, USA.

  House with a light tower on a seacliff.



Tilted office building in Los Angeles

Idea-Project 2022. Los Angeles, California, USA.

  Tilted office building in Los Angeles, California. Inspiration: Eric Owen Moss Architect.



Car Showroom

Idea-Project 2022. Los Angeles, California, USA.
We will try to do a `neutral` architecture-building,-to give the cars there good sales-display.
  Car Showroom in Los Angeles, California.

House same as a rock project

Idea-Project 2021/2022. California, USA.
  CAD-3D in planing.


Cliff-House on the sea

Idea-Project 2021/2022. California, USA.

Cliff-House on the sea. Pre-project, personal project. Theme/inspiration: The sea is 24m (80 feet) below. The site is on a steep, rocky cliff in California. Inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright, John Lautner, Morphosis, Coop Himmelblau, and Frank Gehry. The house and interior should be spectacular and a show-off in the already dynamic/wild surounding landscape.

Cliff-House on the sea. Personal project. Concept-layout for the groundfloor plans. Two dining and living rooms,-plus middle livingroom within the treespace. Two kitchens, three sleeping rooms with bath, two guestrooms, and a gallery hall.

CAD-3D in planing.


Corporate architecture project

Idea-Project 2021. Switzerland.
Volume study with fast 3d-surounding from Google Earth for a sense of the place.
This is a small concept study-project with SketchUp and Cinema 4D.
  First ideation-sketch. Architecture within Nature for corporate architecture.
  3D: SketchUp and Cinema4D.
  Entryhall with tropical inside-garden. This garden can also be used as social activitiy space.


Tiny L-house, 50m2

Idea-Project 2021. Switzerland.

Tiny L-house in the principle of Architecture within Nature.

Pre-project, personal project. Theme/inspiration: Tiny L-house and the architecture of Richard Neutra and Frank Lloyd Wright's usonian house design. Project in countryside of Switzerland. Small house 50m2 with two rooms and one bathroom, but cosy. The house is off-grid, no electric but with solar. The veranda has a placed glas-skylight to let the wintersun in the house, and the more vertical summersun not.

Total floorspace is 50m2, including the walls. The house has a wintergarden for sunheat-regulation. It has an oven for heating and is off-grid. The electric is from solar and stored in a 1000 watt battery-pack for consumption. The materials used are bricks, concrete and outside insulation of 10cm. The concreteroof has 15cm insulation against the summerheat.

Windows are placed near the ground and near the roof to open the space and integrate the house with the surounding nature and sky.


Tiny house, 15-40m2

Idea-Project 2021. Switzerland.


“Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose.”

 —Charles Eames.


' A designer’s influence and role is how a product looks and functions, but also including human ergonomics, end-user benefit, material innovations and corporate branding.'




All copyright 2025, Ebneter Design Concept


Principles of Architecture within Nature

The term "organic architecture" was coined by Frank Lloyd Wright (1867–1959), though never well-articulated by his cryptic style of writing:

So here I stand before you preaching organic architecture: declaring organic architecture to be the modern ideal and the teaching so much needed if we are to see the whole of life and to now serve the whole of life, holding no traditions essential to the great TRADITION. Nor cherishing any preconceived form fixing upon us either past, present, or future, but instead exalting the simple laws of common sense or of super-sense if you prefer determining form by way of the nature of materials.

Principles for the planing of Architecture within Nature:

  • be inspired by nature and be sustainable, healthy, conserving, and diverse.
  • unfold, like an organism, from the seed within.
  • exist in the "continuous present" and "begin again and again".
  • follow the flows and be flexible and adaptable.
  • satisfy social, physical, and spiritual needs.
  • "grow out of the site" and be unique.
  • celebrate the spirit of youth, play, and surprise.
  • express the rhythm of music and the power of dance.
  • Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright. The main inspiration in Organic Architecture is from the nature.
  • Monona Terrace Convention Center, Madison. Frank Lloyd Wright. It was built from the designplan of Frank Lloyd Wright. We did also participate in this project-, we helped with the layout and the construction-plandrawings for this building.


Project Ebneter Design from back in the year 1997:




All copyright 2025, Ebneter Design Consult

All pictures copyright EBNETER CONCEPT ART 2021.

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