Independent Design Study
Transportation Design
We had a personal project to explore new designforms and design cars. This is just a independent and personal study. Our chosen designbrands were Alfa Romeo, Porsche and VW.
All copyright 2025, Ebneter Design Consult
First study:
All studies in year 2022.
Alfa Romeo 'autobus'

Second study:
Ideation-Sketch of Alfa Romeo. Small car of a Alfa-electric.
Sketches for ideation.
Ideation sketches 2022.
Independent Project of four cars done in the year 2021:

Alfa Romeo T1

Porsche 911se

VW Beetle

The `Spark`-idea was from this sketch. VW Beetle. 4.40m long, 4 doors and 5 seats. Personal project.
We like the history of the Beetle and the spirit. We hope it will have a survival as an electric car. Personal project.
Alfa Romeo T2

Alfa Romeo T2 rendering. Medium, elegant-sporty Alfa Romeo 4.60m long. Five seats. Personal project.
Inspiration for the Alfa Romeo T2 and VW.
Inspiration for the Porsche Sportcar and the Pisten Bully for < Industrial Design,-Pisten Bully >.
Porsche Sportcar. Personal project.
All copyright 2025, Ebneter Design Consult