Ebneter Design ART
Personal studies only. Work in progress.
Concepts for datatransfer from extern datas.
All copyright 2025, Ebneter Design ART
Personal CAD-Workshop 2023
BIM studies:
Solution for difficult cornerdestails:
We did for details BIM bloc-models without the fill-textures. Textures/lines we add by hand in 2D-layout. This way it is less complicated for difficult corner-details, as this would be hard to solve in only BIM-3D environment.
For BIM-3D-planing we use the program Vectorworks or Archicad.
In Deutsch:
Wir planen ein einfaches BIM-Modell (mit wenig externen Bibliotheken) für den schlanken/einfacheren Datenaustausch:
Dadurch gibt es weniger Fehler,-nur das Wesentliche wird gesendet,-nicht alle Details. Siehe Fachhochschule Architektur in Luzern. Projekt BIM. Link: https://sites.hslu.ch/architektur/bimwood/
X = nicht zu empfehlen als BIM. V = Erster BIM für Kostenkalkulation* V = Zweiter BIM für Aufbau*
* Mit Fachplaner Datenaustausch/Layerstruktur zuerst absprechen,- und vorher kurz austesten.
Intern info for formats used by us:
All copyright 2025, Marcel Ebneter Design
Format to transfer
- Vectorworks export to Rhino/VRay (Vectorworks export: FBX-als Klassen-, or OBJ). Vectorworks-3D to Rhino,-FBX,- open in Rhino7. Import rh7 to Archicad. This can be used to do sections and elevations. Better dwg to work on independent lines.
Info Vw-3d to 2D: 1. CAD-3D designplan in Vectorworks/Rhino. > 2. Export dwg-2D files from Vectorworks for model-reference,-click option 2d when export (and 3D-visualization .fbx for Cinema 4D). > 3. Archicad or Vectorworks for CAD-2D plan. > Cinema 4d for 3D-illustration.
Info Blender: From Rhino to Blender .fbx,- from Vectorworks to Blender .collada. Blender is a free software.
Vectorworks and Rhino7/V-Ray combination:
3D-Vectorworks to Rhino in normal `DWG-format`.->Klassen (class) are OK. Lines, pictures, and 3D with Klassen is exportet.(*). --> Or direct export from VW with .rhino,-but then the layers are lost. But the models from .rhino can also be splited for group-elements.
In Rhino explode once for group, second time for object.
Back from Rhino to Vectorworks in .rhino7 or `SketchUp15-format`. All the import comes on a new Layer.->Better import to VW first in seperate file in VW for a test.(*)
In VW rightclick second last `Gruppe auflösen`. Sometimes have to click sometimes more to get this `Ga`.
* Vectorworks and Archicad are not good for import Rhino- or SketchUp-files. Only use for designhelp-detailmodels to import in AC or VW. But Rhino or Cinema are good for big files from AC or VW.
Vectorworks (and Archicad) have a direct import for Rhino-data .3dm. Vectorworks is better because it is as Rhino a nurbs-based program.
Archicad and Rhino7/Enscape combination:
Archicad to Rhino from viewport 3D in normal `Rhino 3dm-format`.->after splitt can elements be textured and scaled. When like to have elements in boxes (not splittetd,- than use from 3d viewport sketchup 19 to export from Archicad. But singel faces can not be splitt anymore, with Rhino 3dm OK. When like texture-folder use exp. sketchup 15 or wavefront-->textures as jpeg in folder. Rhino to Archicad as a bloc (Rhino 3dm importer to AC).
Solidworks to Rhino7, or Cinema 4D:
STEP, IGES, Wavefront OBJ, or STL to transfer from Solidworks to Rhino 7, or Cinema 4D. Or for a new model in Solidworks,- 2D-lines from Adobe Illustrator or Vectorworks to Solidworks as 2D-contour-baselines.
Ebneter Design ART
Personal studies only.
Subject to change / work in progress.