Ebneter Design ART


Personal studies only. Work in progress.

Concepts for datatransfer from extern datas.


All copyright 2025, Ebneter Design ART


Personal CAD-Workshop 2023

Folgende Informationen werden von uns als Referenzen für BIM und Datentransfer zwischen unseren Programmen benötigt. Diese Informationen sind nur für unsere persönliche Verwendung.


BIM studies:

Personal workshop:
September 2023: 
Vorläufig zeichnen wir nicht in BIM. Der Ablauf ist zu aufwändig für uns.
Wir zeichnen nur in CAD-2D Plan und CAD-3D.
Wir benutzen BIM ohne Materialien und Texturen. Dadurch ist es in Schnitten einfacher im 2D-Detailplan die Details zu ergänzen und die 2D-Texturen anzulegen.


Solution for difficult cornerdestails:

We did for details BIM bloc-models without the fill-textures. Textures/lines we add by hand in 2D-layout. This way it is less complicated for difficult corner-details, as this would be hard to solve in only BIM-3D environment.

For BIM-3D-planing we use the program Vectorworks or Archicad. 

In Deutsch:

Wir planen ein einfaches BIM-Modell (mit wenig externen Bibliotheken) für den schlanken/einfacheren Datenaustausch:

Dadurch gibt es weniger Fehler,-nur das Wesentliche wird gesendet,-nicht alle Details. Siehe Fachhochschule Architektur in Luzern. Projekt BIM. Link: https://sites.hslu.ch/architektur/bimwood/

  X = nicht zu empfehlen als BIM.   V  =  Erster BIM für Kostenkalkulation*  V = Zweiter BIM für Aufbau*

* Mit Fachplaner Datenaustausch/Layerstruktur zuerst absprechen,- und vorher kurz austesten.



Intern info for formats used by us:

Personal Set Up.


VIZ-3D-Workflow in two steps:
1. DXF plan reading in Rhino. Set up floorplans and elevations in top view. Snap on DXF-plan.
Each floor on seperate layer. Walls and floors with booleans,-this way it is later easy to change.
First client presentation. No set in site without approval from the building-design and materials.
Than concept for perspectives and surounding. Also approval from client.
2. Set in details and furnitures. Set in perspectives with the environment on seperate layers.
Render in Rhino with V-Ray. 
One with windows-glas, one without windows-glas, one with reflection-surounding 100% (or reflecting picture-walls), and one with glas in red. Combine, add, and compose in Photoshop.
Sometimes add different renders for combination materials, reflections, different lighting, shadows,--> for combine elements in Photoshop in own layers. Best render-elements for combine together. Try HDRI-s with different renders and combine them in Photoshop.

All copyright 2025, Marcel Ebneter Design


Format to transfer

Form Z to Rhino with export .stl. to Rhino. Than `polygonnetz,-bearbeitungswerkzeug`,- 1. zwei Dreiecke vereinen, 2. Polygonzahl verringern, 3. Vierecks Vermaschung. From Rhino 6 or 7 to Vectorworks.
Form Z, -->Form Z free (.dae) to SketchUp 2022. -->From SketchUp 2022 or Archicad (.skp v 2015) to Vectorworks 2021 or to Cinema4D for 3D-visualization.). Vectorworks to Cinema direct-link or better quality with fbx-format.

-  Vectorworks export to Rhino/VRay (Vectorworks export: FBX-als Klassen-, or OBJ). Vectorworks-3D to Rhino,-FBX,- open in Rhino7. Import rh7 to Archicad. This can be used to do sections and elevations. Better dwg to work on independent lines.

Info Vw-3d to 2D: 1.  CAD-3D designplan in Vectorworks/Rhino. > 2.  Export dwg-2D files from Vectorworks for model-reference,-click option 2d when export (and 3D-visualization .fbx for Cinema 4D). > 3.  Archicad or Vectorworks for CAD-2D plan. > Cinema 4d for 3D-illustration.

Info Blender: From Rhino to Blender .fbx,- from Vectorworks to Blender .collada. Blender is a free software.

IFC files can be written by Vectorworks. IFC-3D-modelling we do in Rhino. We import directly the original Rhino-file in Vectorworks,-only in grey possibel. For the color-IFC we export from Rhino via SketchUp-to Vectorworks,-than the colors are kept. Sometimes there are defected elements out of SketchUp-file. This elements we re-import again from Rhino directly to Vectorworks and replace this elements within the Vectorworks file. Than we do the IFC-file out of Vectorworks in seperated story-layers.
IFC from Vectorworks:
Silo to RhinoSubD:
From Silo save as FBX -Motion Builder-. Than import to Rhino as fbx. In box set `Import as RhinoSubD`.
In Rhino the SubD can be turned off/on with TAB-Key.
Rhino has 1. basic Box-models (dito Archicad), 2. Surface-Nurbs-models (dito Vectorworks), or 3. RhinoSubD-Models (dito Silo). 
SubD in Rhino from import Silo (or Blender),- can be converted in Rhino to Rhino Nurbs. This way there is a good workflow from Hand-2D-Sketch to Freeform-SubD,- and then to Rhino Nurbs for a exactly 3D-Nurbs production model. From the Rhino Nurbs can be a solid created to import in Solid Works.


Vectorworks and Rhino7/V-Ray combination:

3D-Vectorworks to Rhino in normal `DWG-format`.->Klassen (class) are OK. Lines, pictures, and 3D with Klassen is exportet.(*). --> Or direct export from VW with .rhino,-but then the layers are lost. But the models from .rhino can also be splited for group-elements.

In Rhino explode once for group, second time for object.


Back from Rhino to Vectorworks in .rhino7 or `SketchUp15-format`. All the import comes on a new Layer.->Better import to VW first in seperate file in VW for a test.(*)

In VW rightclick second last `Gruppe auflösen`. Sometimes have to click sometimes more to get this `Ga`.

* Vectorworks and Archicad are not good for import Rhino- or SketchUp-files. Only use for designhelp-detailmodels to import in AC or VW. But Rhino or Cinema are good for big files from AC or VW.

Vectorworks (and Archicad) have a direct import for Rhino-data .3dm. Vectorworks is better because it is as Rhino a nurbs-based program.


Archicad and Rhino7/Enscape combination:

Archicad to Rhino from viewport 3D in normal `Rhino 3dm-format`.->after splitt can elements be textured and scaled. When like to have elements in boxes (not splittetd,- than use from 3d viewport sketchup 19 to export from Archicad. But singel faces can not be splitt anymore, with Rhino 3dm OK. When like texture-folder use exp. sketchup 15 or wavefront-->textures as jpeg in folder. Rhino to Archicad as a bloc (Rhino 3dm importer to AC).


Solidworks to Rhino7, or Cinema 4D:

STEP, IGES, Wavefront OBJ, or STL to transfer from Solidworks to Rhino 7, or Cinema 4D. Or for a new model in Solidworks,- 2D-lines from Adobe Illustrator or Vectorworks to Solidworks as 2D-contour-baselines.



Ebneter Design ART


Personal studies only.

Subject to change / work in progress.